UNMISS GH 11 under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Dominic Ampomah marks Medal Day with interfaith parade and thanksgiving service
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The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Ghana Battalion (GHANBATT) has held its 2nd Quarter Religious Parade and Medal Day Thanksgiving Service under the theme “That All May Be One” at the Battalion Headquarters in Bentiu on Sunday 12 May 2024.

The GHANBATT Chaplain Reverend Lieutenant Jonathan Mensah in his sermon stressed on the need for personnel to be each other’s keeper while performing their duties towards the sustenance of peace in South Sudan. He further advised them to maintain a close relationship with God, eschew practices that God frowns upon and be prayerful at all times.

Giving the Islamic homily, the GHANBATT Imam, Lieutenant Sahmu-Deen Ridwan beseeched personnel to be grateful to Allah at all times and not just for specific successes. Adding that, the love and protection of Allah has granted GHANBATT 11 was the reason behind the successes in discharging its duties with without any incident. He further admonished personnel to remain obedient to God, desist from social vice and all unhealthy life styles in order to continue to enjoy the blessings and mercies of God.

The Commanding Officer (CO) Lieutenant Colonel Dominic Ampomah in his address, thanked God for the successes of the GHANBATT within the period in the face of numerous challenges and difficulties encountered.  He indicated the challenges always turned out as moments of glory for the Battalion. The CO used the occasion to wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.

He lauded personnel for their professionalism, discipline, dedication and hard work exhibited within the period. He urged them to maintain these standards throughout the rest of the tour of duty. He further admonished troops to avoid the temptation of losing their guards with the thoughts that they were done with their tour of duty.

The Guest of Honour for the service, the Sector Unity Commander, Brigadier General William Ryarasa lauded the Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Ampomah for his leadership and the high professional standards of troops in the discharge of their duties.

He commended the Battalion for the excellent Medal Parade that won the admiration of all the dignitaries especially the Force Commander. He further implored personnel of the GHANBATT to continue to maintain their professional posture as their tour of duty gradually grinds to an end.