Leader Medals Day Delegation, Chief of the Army Staff Major General Onwona visits UNMISS DSRSG Mr Guang Cong and the South Sudan Assistant Chief of Defense Force Lieutenant General Reat
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Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Major General Bismarck Kwasi Onwona has paid courtesy calls on the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DSRSG), Mr Guang Cong and the South Sudan Assistant Chief of Defense Force (CDF), Lieutenant General Thoi Chany Reat at Juba on Friday 10 May 2024.

The separate meetings were part of the activities lined up for the Medals Day Delegation’s week-long visit to South Sudan.

During the meeting with the DSRSG, Mr Guang Cong, COAS thanked the mission leadership for their support to Ghanaian troops in UNMISS. He reiterated the importance of peace in Africa, highlighting Ghana’s contributions to Peacekeeping in Africa. He assured him of the commitment in assisting with the peace process in South Sudan with the continual provision of troops.

Mr Guang Cong expressed gratitude for the contributions of Ghanaian troops in South Sudan. He commended GHANBATT’s forward position at Leer for professionally handling armed clashes in Leer County. He indicated that the dedication with which the GHANBATT personnel discharged their duties significantly helped to save the lives of civilians caught up in the clashes. He assured COAS of the safety of the Ghanaian troops at all times.

In a separate meeting with the South Sudan Assistant CDF, Lieutenant General Thoi Chany Reat aimed at strengthening the bilateral relationship between both countries, COAS extended greetings from the Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C) of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the Military High Command to the Government and the Military High Command of South Sudan.

Lieutenant General Reat also expressed delight towards the Government of Ghana for her interest in the peace process in South Sudan through the contribution of troops to support the Mission. He stated the need for more collaborative efforts and capacity building between the two countries adding that they were making proposals for personnel of South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) to be trained by GAF.

The Assistant CDF highlighted and commended GHANBATT 11 for their Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) activities within Unity State especially the veterinary outreach program that has helped improved on the livelihood of the local population.